How I discovered Bowen therapy

I often get asked by new clients about how I discovered Bowen therapy, as I only briefly mention on my website that I stumbled across Bowen therapy after a car accident. So I thought I might create a little blog on here, kicking off with a bit about me and how I became connected to the services that I offer and love (namely, Bowen therapy for people, Reiki and energy healing and Bowen therapy for cats and dogs). There are so many different aspects to these modalities that a blog creates the perfect opportunity to go into a little more depth and I look forward to sharing with you more health related insights and tips in subsequent posts.

I thought for my first ever post I might as well start with introducing myself and what Bowen therapy (for both people and animals) and Reiki and energy healing means to me.

I discovered Bowen therapy after a car accident over a decade ago. I was still in a lot of physical pain in my lower back and felt very flat emotionally many months later, and someone suggested Bowen therapy. I had never heard of it (in fact, I thought they had said ‘bone therapy’ which sounded brutal!) but my curiosity was piqued so I had a google. Being more of a logical/rational thinker, I was pretty sceptical (as there didn’t seem to be any comprehensive explanations available of what it was and how it works) but it seemed very low risk so I booked myself an appointment. Because of my pain I was in a low place and figured I had nothing to lose - except perhaps a bit of cash if Bowen therapy proved to be useless.

I will never forget the initial appointment. I’d love to tell you some miracle story about how my back pain left me in one fell swoop...when actually, my back pain remained exactly the same. But - curve ball! - the spider vein patch on my right leg (caused by a corked thigh from a stray kick at soccer when I was young) vanished the next day, and has never returned. I don’t think I’d even mentioned the veins to my Bowen therapist. That, combined with the fact that I could hardly get out of bed for the next few days because my body seemed to just wanted to rest, made me so curious about what I had experienced. How could these tiny little moves have had such a profound impact on me? The spider veins were perhaps the physical proof that I needed that something had happened, even if I didn’t know how, so I booked my next treatment.

I felt continuous improvements in my lower back pain, sleep quality and energy levels in the subsequent treatments, and grew more and more impressed with these gentle treatments I was receiving. I kind of fell into studying Bowen therapy, just out of curiosity, when my Bowen therapist (no doubt getting a little bit over all of my questions each treatment) mentioned that she taught Bowen therapy. Being an office worker my whole life, I had never worked with my hands before but I absolutely loved it right from the start.

When I received my Bowen therapy qualifications I set out to just treating my family and friends…which then grew to the occasional mobile appointment…which then became renting a clinic room a couple of days a week while working full time…and although it was gradual, at some point Bowen therapy eventually overtook my 9-5 job. Many (many) years after my initial treatment, I decided to take the plunge and open up my Spring Bowen Therapy clinic in Randwick, where I am today. In a weird way I am very grateful to that car accident all those years ago and sometimes wonder where I’d be if I hadn’t been knocked on to this path. In many ways I feel as if it was ‘meant to be’!

Phew! I was going to discuss how history repeated itself when this cynical gal accidentally discovered energy healing (aka that ‘woo woo stuff’ I used to call it with a big eyeroll), and also how I got into Bowen therapy for cats and dogs but I suspect that this post is getting a little long so perhaps they can be their own posts. In the meantime, here is a photo of me doing what I love when I’m outside of the clinic - bushwalks and wild swims and just being outdoors in general is definitely my happy place.

If you’re still reading this far, thank you and hope to ’see’ you for the next instalment!

Take care,
