Energy healing understands that a person is more than just their physical body.


What is energy healing?

Your general health comprises not just your physical health but also your mental, emotional and even spiritual health. These aspects are intertwined so when one is out of balance it can cause other aspects to become off-kilter too. This is why it is most effective to address all aspects of your health for the best result rather than just focusing on purely physical health concerns.

How are physical, emotional and mental health aspects related?

Physical, mental and emotional health are inextricably linked. When we feel stressed for a period of time, our immune system becomes compromised due to the increased cortisol (stress hormone) levels, which can in turn leave us more susceptible to colds and other viruses. This is a great example of how our mental and emotional health can impact us on a physical level but the reverse is true too. For instance, imagine how someone who is normally very active and enjoys the outdoors might feel if they were to break their leg and be confined to crutches for the next two months.

There are two types of energy healing treatments offered - Reiki (which is combined with Bowen therapy) as well as energy healing in the form of aura cleanse & chakra balancing.

Reiki Energy Healing - Randwick Eastern Suburbs Sydney


One form of energy healing is Reiki (pronounced 'Ray-key'), which combines the Japanese words for 'universal energy'. In a treatment the Reiki therapist will place their hands on (or just above) their client's body, often on the chakras (energy centres) of the body. The therapist's hands may feel very warm or even tingly and the experience is often described as very relaxing.

The idea behind Reiki is that there is universal healing energy all around us and the Reiki therapist is able to channel this energy to the client to promote healing. Another way to think of this is an analogy to radio waves. Although we can't see or feel radio waves, they are all around us - and it's only when we are tuned into a radio station (like the Reiki therapist tunes into healing energy) can we get a sense of the radio waves in the form of a song.

Bowen therapy and Reiki

In the treatment offered, Bowen therapy and Reiki are combined to get the best out of both worlds - although you can choose a Bowen therapy only treatment if that is your preference. Reiki is performed in between Bowen therapy moves for a seamless combination of the two treatment types. I added this as a unique treatment option once my formerly 'Bowen therapy only' clients kept requesting the combination, saying that they felt even more deeply relaxed and felt the benefits of the treatment even more profoundly. I love being able to address my clients' physical, mental and emotional issues in the one treatment and see the positive changes in people on all levels/aspects.

Aura cleanse and chakra balance

This treatment focuses purely on energy healing to bring you back into balance and harmony with yourself. It works by helping to rebalance a person's chakras (the energy centres of our body) and clear their aura (the energy field surrounding us), both of which can be affected by stress, negative environments and trauma.

There are a whole range of responses that may be experienced during an energy healing session - people will usually start to feel relaxed and sleepy, and some have spoken of seeing bursts of colours and patterns behind their (closed) eyes or receiving a message in the form of an image or sentence. Some clients can also sense when I’m working on a specific auric layer or chakra because it can feel like a warm or tingling sensation in that particular area.

I have sometimes been asked what the experience is like from my end. Some energy healers can physically see auras, which is an amazing gift - but I’m more of a ‘feeler’. When working to balance and cleanse, the auric layers or chakras that need a little bit of extra help can often feel dense or stuck. It is hard to describe in words but the energy field (which is above the physical body) can feel heavy, like wading through cement - albeit in the air! - when chakras are out of balance. The aim of each energy healing is to cleanse (release any unwanted or stuck energy) and rebalance (so that all chakras are flowing as they should).

The aura cleanse and chakra balance is ideal for you if you are feeling fatigued and 'out of sorts' or suffering from anxiety or depression as it helps to reduce stress and calm negative thoughts and emotions. My clients who have experienced this treatment have described an increase in energy levels, an uplift in mood and a sense of peace following the treatment.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the right treatment for you, or book online if you’re ready to roll.

Chakra Balancing & Aura Cleanse Energy Healing - Randwick Eastern Suburbs Sydney